Prime your property for maximum profit.

Whether something feels a bit out of whack or you’re in seriously hot water, we’ll help you get everything running in tip-top shape.

Book A Consult
Book A Consult

“You’ll have clarity after working with them to know if the deal makes sense or not.”

"It’s not only about running the numbers. It’s understanding the market, the vision, the politics of a project. Add to that their knowledge base from seeing thousands of deals, their no-bias viewpoint, and their open dialogue. The result? Honest, straightforward answers and a wholly fresh perspective that completely changes the game."

peek properties logo
Emanual Klien, Managing Partner PEEK Properties

The first rule in real estate? That there are no hard rules in real estate.

You need to get literally hundreds of factors right for a deal to achieve profitability.
Throw into that that every property is different and every township is different, so what worked for you once won’t necessarily work for you again. One regulation you weren’t aware of, one property  defect you hadn’t noticed, one market shift you hadn’t anticipated...and bam. The property is not performing.

You need to get it all right.

Know the rights, fix the wrongs

We’ll conduct a thorough review of the financials, market, and site to see where things stand today and what we can do to fix it. You’ll walk away with a  clear picture of your property's strengths, any potential challenges, and a solid plan to make the most of its unique features while keeping risks to a minimum.

Play the numbers.

We’ll scrutinize every aspect of the deal–down to the cost of bricks–to predict if this deal will flop or fly. You’ll get a customized, editable underwriting model that’ll answer all your “what-if” questions–and the control to stress-test the deal how you see fit.

Want to give it a quick spin?

On a client project, all the figures in blue are yours to manipulate (and are fully dynamic to your input). On this sample report, you can tweak the figures in the orange to see how it all works.

Put the plan to work.

We’ll plan and manage all the major upgrades and fixes that increase the property’s value like renovating the place from scratch, replacing the roof or installing the latest HVAC system. We’ll make sure every dollar goes towards making the property more profitable in the long run.

Keep the gears moving.

The paint is dry, the leases are signed, and the lights are on. But there’s still the ongoing herculean task of owning and managing a property. We’ll take care of all the small but crucial jobs of owning a property and overseeing a  management team: making sure rent is paid, leases are signed, occupancy is high,  leaks are fixed. We’ll also keep our eye on the big picture, checking profits are what they should be, and keeping lenders’ up-to-date. You’ll know your property’s running efficiently, investors are happy, and all’s on track for long-term success..



No cuts, no kickbacks, no commissions, ever.
Pick a package, or curate your own from the service list in the next section.
(yeah, we’re flex like that!)

Lean back, we’ve got this
1. Meet & Greet

We’ll have a quick call, introducing you to the team members who’ll be working on your project.

2. Gather & Communicate

We’ll send you an email with all the documents and data we need from you, then update you on our progress as we go.

3. Deliver & Discuss

After 2 weeks, you’ll get a detailed PDF that contains our findings, analysis and recommendations. Questions or changes? We’ll make as many as you need within 2 weeks of delivery.

build your own
À la carte
Need just 1 specific services? Or want to pick a few? We've got you covered. Let us know exactly what you need, and we'll give you a custom quote.
investment: start at $300+
i need this one
Delivery time: 2 weeks


  • Cash Flow Analysis
    • T12 and General Ledger Review
    • Rent Roll Review with CAM Recs
    • Loan Docs Review
  • Maintenance/CapEx Budget
  • Value-Add Feasibility
  • Loan Docs Review


  • Comparable Property Analysis
  • Market Demographics and Demand Trends


  • Property Walkthrough
  • Asset Characteristics Summary
  • CapEx (for deferred maintenance and value add options)
investment: $10k+
i need this one
Lean back, we’ve got this
1. Meet & Greet

We’ll have a quick call, introducing you to the team members who’ll be working on your project.

2. Gather & Communicate

We’ll send you an email with all the documents and data we need from you, then update you on our progress as we go.

3. present & marvel

We’ll present the model to you live, showing you how the underwriting works and how you can manipulate it and pull different levers to get the outcomes you want. The editable Excel model belongs to you forever.

4. Revise & Finalize

You’ve got two weeks to go through it all, ask questions, and request as many revisions, adjustments or changes as you like.

Delivery time: 2 weeks


  • In-place Financial Summary
  • Debt Terms
  • Income and Expense Projections
  • CapEx Budget
  • Cash Flows and Returns
  • Sale Detail
  • Loan Modifications
investment: custom quote
i need this one
Lean back, we’ve got this
1. Oversee

We oversee the day-to-day operations of your property to make sure  tenants, leases, and maintenance are under control.

2. Optimize

We meticulously track and analyze all revenue, expenses and cash flow to see if there’s a way to increase profits.

3. Report

We send clear, detailed reports every month to all stakeholders, so they know exactly what’s going on and what to expect.

Delivery time: 2 weeks

asset management

  • CAPEX Monitoring and Implementation
  • Property Management Transition
  • Monthly Asset Management
    • Weekly Review with Property Management
      1. Move in - Move outs (Rent Roll)
      2. Operating expenses verification and Cash management of bank accounts (bi-monthly)
      3. Visit the property on a regular basis (minimum once per bi weekly for first 3 months followed as necessary) to make sure that management is performing its duties
  • Lender Reporting
  • Monthly Reports to Ownership
investment: custom quote
i need this one

All your ducks, all in a row

Property Assessment Review
Financial Assessment
Cash Flow Analysis

Your properties zoning and permitted use dictates its potential. We’ll do a deep dive to check zoning, air rights, density limits, parking regulations, and more. Our aim? To provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the conditions, restrictions, and viable options for the property.

T12 and General Ledger Review

We’ll look out for patterns that will help us project future performance, check for discrepancies, and make sure it all add ups.

Valued-Add Feasibility

Can we do any renovations or enhancements to add value to the property? We’ll explore and present different strategies that are a good fit for your property, outlining the potential cost + hidden investment and returns, so you can make an informed decision.

CAM Recs

We'll delve into the lease agreements and CAM expenses to understand the property's maintenance costs and upgrade plans, so you can see what your actual net profit is for each lease.

Maintenance/ Budget CAPEX

We’ll check what the upgrades and maintenance plans are, so you know how much it will cost to keep the property looking great.

Rent Roll Review

We'll review all the leases to make sure they match up to rent roll, so you know exactly what your occupancy is.

Market Analysis
Market Demographics and Demand trends

We’ll examine the local real estate market, looking at  thing like demographics, demand shifts, pricing dynamics, and economic indicators to ensure your property plan is set up for long-lasting success.

Comparable Property Analysis

We’ll assess trends, property values, and rental rates for similar properties in the area to ensure you’re paying a fair price, as well as gauge the rent income potential.

Site Review
Property Walkthrough

We’ll take a close look at the property, checking out each units’ condition as well as  common areas to see if, and how much, improvements are needed.

Comprehensive Characteristic Asset Summary

The good (there’s historical features), the bad (there’s structural problems) , the great (there’s extra parking), the challenging (there’s contamination). We’ll lay it all out for you out so you understand the true value of your property.

Capex for Deferred Maintenance & Value-add Options

We’ll take a look at what needs fixing and explore any improvements that could boost the property's value. Then, we'll run the figures to estimate the costs of these repairs and enhancements, giving you a clear picture of investment needs and potential value gains.

Financial Underwriting
In-Place Financial Summary

We’ll document the purchase price and going-in metrics and we’ll review the rent roll summary, unit mix, average in-place rents and the historical T-12 financial summary.  This way, you can accurately gauge your potential income and expenses.

Income and Expense Projections

We’ll lay out rental projections, a lease up schedule, concessions and other income. We’ll give you estimated vacancy and growth rates and factor in a projected amount of operating expenses. And you’ll get an accurate picture of the rewards and the risks, plus creative options on how to mitigate the risks to make it work for you.

Debt Terms

We'll assess loans or mortgages to secure the most suitable funding for purchase or development. We’ll establish construction and permanent debt assumptions, LTC/LTV and DSCR constraints, interest rates, debt and prepayment fees, amortization, the IO period and rate caps. All the while, making sure all terms are aligned with your financial strategy.

CapEx Budget

Guided by our experience, we'll ensure proper planning to keep your asset on track and within budget. We'll craft a CapEx plan, establish timelines and phases, and allocate costs and funding schedule for optimal execution.

Cash Flows and Returns

Your monthly and annual cash flows are the meat and potatoes of your deal. We’ll draw up a comprehensive cash flow chart for both monthly and annual terms and give you a variety of return metrics based on these charts.

Sale Detail

Based on your model of income and expense, we’ll calculate your sale assumption costs and sale metrics so that you can see what your exit will look like.

Loan Modification

If your property is struggling to stay afloat, we'll step in and negotiate with your lender to get you better terms. Whether it’s lower your interest rates or extend your loan term, we’ll do what it takes to give you the breathing room, and cash, you need  to turn the property around and make it profitable.

Financial Underwriting

Get all your stakeholders on the same page about obtaining a loan modification for an underperforming property. We’ll run an underwriting for everyone involved in the deal so they can see the necessity of a loan modification, what the new structure would look like, and how it will impact  their risk and returns.

Asset Management
Monthly Asset Management

Stay on top of your property's performance month by month, to esure it's bringing in the expected returns while keeping expenses in line. From financial report reviews to handling tenant matters, we'll keep your property in prime condition, ensuring it remains a sound investment.

Assist with Property Management Transition

If you need to switch management teams, we’ll be on hand to make the transition seamless and glitch-free, both for you and for your tenants.

CAPEX Monitoring and Implementation

We’ll oversee construction and vendor activities to ensure work meets quality standards and is on-track for schedule and budget.

Weekly Review with Property Management

A hands-on weekly review with your management team ensures that the work is getting completed, roles are clear, and any issues are untangles immediately.

Lender Reporting

Keep your lenders in the loop with consistent updates on the property's financial health.

Monthly Reports to Ownership

Get monthly updates on your properties performance detailing the property's income, expenses, and any maintenance concerns that arise.

Boom. Bang. Bam. Done.

Everything you’d expect, and way more.

One rep.

One rep. A rep who knows the ins and out of your property, where the project is at, and can get you any answer you need.
(oh, and our average response time is 6 hours. sweet, no? ).

At the speed of real estate

We know–you need this yesterday. We parcel out the project and have several team members working different parts of due diligence simultaneously. So you get the in-depth analysis you need, without sacrificing time.

An expert for every facet

A full team of experts analyzing your deal all for one flat rate. And having all those experts in-house means that no matter the question, deal type, or scenario, we probably have the knowledge you’re seeking– and we’ll definitely have an opinion.(And not that we’re keeping track, but we kinda have a track record.)

We know every trick in the book

It’s not just about analyzing numbers or crunching scenarios, it’s about a gut feel and market insights we’ve built over years of analyzing thousands of deals in every market. Put it this way: there’s very little (almost nothing) you can get past us.

All the tech and tools to give you the data you need

Yeah, we know HappyCo, CoStar, and Yardi. And pretty much all the tech use. So no matter the property, project, or operational platform, we can jump in and get right to work.

Work With Us
Work With Us
Get guidance
Validate a Deal
Offload work

Cut to the truth.
