Don’t risk more than you need to.

We’ll follow every trail and examine every doc to make sure this deal is a solid bet.


“Their energy and passion
is remarkable ”

"Their energy and passion is remarkable. They’re fast. They’re responsive. But the main advantage for me is their efficiency and the results they deliver. When I work with VisionRE, I get a team of senior professionals all focused on my deal, at a much lower cost than hiring in-house."

truestone logo
Sol Dayan, Managing Partner True Equities

Verify the facts.

Yeah, there’ll always be risk.
But we’ll let you know where the risk starts and where the risk ends, so you know exactly what you’re getting into.

Dig up the dirt

We’ll get in on the ground, checking out every statement, contract, document, invoice and ledger to make sure everything’s above board, the property’s in good shape, and there are no pitfalls that can sink the deal and cause the borrower to default on your loan.

Lay out all the facts

No assumptions, guessing, or hoping for the best by working only off best-case scenarios. We ruthlessly pick apart every number and ratio and run through every possible scenario to so you know what will happen to your loan if markets dip or occupancy is low.  You’ll have all the facts and figures you need out decide if you’re in for the risk.

Want to give it a quick spin?

On a client project, all the figures in blue are yours to manipulate (and are fully dynamic to your input). On this sample report, you can tweak the figures in the orange to see how it all works.

Spot the snags

We’ll monitor the development to catch any overruns before they spiral, as well as making sure that permits and approvals are lined up so there are no unexpected delays that can hike up costs and get in the way of your project’s success.



No cuts, no kickbacks, no commissions, ever.
Pick a package, or curate your own from the service list in the next section.
(yeah, we’re flex like that!)

Lean back, we’ve got this
1. Meet & Greet

We’ll have a quick call, introducing you to the team members who’ll be working on your project.

2. Gather & Communicate

We’ll send you an email with all the documents and data we need from you, then update you on our progress as we go.

3. Deliver & Discuss

After 2 weeks, you’ll get a detailed PDF that contains our findings, analysis and recommendations. Questions or changes? We’ll make as many as you need within 2 weeks of delivery.

build your own
À la carte
Need just 1 specific services? Or want to pick a few? We've got you covered. Let us know exactly what you need, and we'll give you a custom quote.
investment: start at $300+
i need this one
The Crystal Ball

For a thorough analysis to see if this property’s got potential to succeed.

Delivery time: 2 weeks


  • Zoning & Permitted Use Review
  • Survey and Title Review
  • Third Party Report Review (and order if necessary)
  • Public Record Request
  • Development Design Review
  • Initial Consultations (with necessary professionals)
  • Strategize multiple unit layout scenarios within site constraints to maximize the property potential
  • Project Phasing and Timeline of Development
  • Development Cost Breakdown (construction hard and soft cost)
  • Site Visit


  • Market Trend Analysis (for all development options)
  • Comparable Property Analysis
investment: $6k+
i need this one
The Reality Check

For the scrutinize-everything-accept-nothing-trust-no-one investigation to check the property’s as good as they say.

Delivery time: 2 weeks


  • In-depth Cash Flow Analysis
    • Operating statement review and verification (Trailing 24 months)
  • Lease Audits (spot check)
  • Lease Abstracts (commercial)
  • Service Contract Review
  • Insurance Claims Review
  • Maintenance/CapEx Budget
  • Value-Add Feasibility
  • CAM Reconciliation (commercial properties)
  • Tax Assessment Review
  • Comprehensive Contract Review


  • Market Trend Analysis
  • Comparable Property Analysis


  • Unit Walkthroughs
  • Comprehensive Asset Characteristics Summary
  • Document and Public Record Review
  • Zoning & Permitted Use Review
  • Third Party Report Review/Order
  • Site Visit
  • CapEx (for deferred maintenance and value add options)
  • Individual Unit Walks
  • Common Interior and Exterior Spaces
investment: $8.5k+
i need this one
Lean back, we’ve got this
1. Meet & Greet

We’ll have a quick call, introducing you to the team members who’ll be working on your project.

2. Gather & Communicate

We’ll send you an email with all the documents and data we need from you, then update you on our progress as we go.

3. present & marvel

We’ll present the model to you live, showing you how the underwriting works and how you can manipulate it and pull different levers to get the outcomes you want. The editable Excel model belongs to you forever.

4. Revise & Finalize

You’ve got two weeks to go through it all, ask questions, and request as many revisions, adjustments or changes as you like.


We’ll run through the project’s development start to end to make sure the numbers stack up.

Delivery time: 2 weeks


  • Comprehensive Financial Underwriting model created per client/property needs
  • Construction, Timeline, and Phasing Buildout
  • 20-30 Year Hold Model
  • Debt Financing Terms
investment: $4,500+
i need this one
The Litmus Test

We’ll run through the project’s performance start to end to make sure the numbers stack up.

Delivery time: 2 weeks


  • Comprehensive Financial Underwriting model created per client/property needs
  • 5-10 year hold model
  • Debt Financing
investment: $3,500+
i need this one
Lean back, we’ve got this
1. site visit

When the borrower requests a draw, we’ll perform a comprehensive site visit to ensure work was completed properly, and meets your quality standards.

2. Paper Check

We review all the  submitted bills (to make sure it matches up with the installed material and the budget), and double-check that all the necessary paperwork is in.

3. Report

We send you a clear report of all our findings, so you know the budget and status is on schedule before fulfilling payment

loan monitoring
Delivery time: Ongoing

loan monitoring

  • CAPEX Monitoring and Implementation OR Approval and Permit Milestone Completion Monitoring
    1. Property Visits (when applicable)
  • Lender Reporting
investment: custom quote
i need this one
Lean back, we’ve got this
1. Oversee

We oversee the day-to-day operations of your property to make sure  tenants, leases, and maintenance are under control.

2. Optimize

We meticulously track and analyze all revenue, expenses and cash flow to see if there’s a way to increase profits.

3. Report

We send clear, detailed reports every month to all stakeholders, so they know exactly what’s going on and what to expect.

Delivery time: Ongoing

asset management

  • Monthly Asset Management
  • Weekly Review with Property Management
  • Operating expenses and revenue review (bi-monthly)
  • Property Visits
  • Lender Reporting
investment: custom quote
i need this one

Know more, risk less.

Due Diligence
Characteristic Review
Zoning  + Permitted Use Review

We’ll check local regulations and zoning laws to make sure the borrower’s plans check out and you’re good to go.

Public Record Request

Undisclosed liens, outstanding violations....those things will cost you. We’ll obtain and review all the the official documents from government agencies to check for any potential obstacles.

Development cost and

We’ll review all expenses involved in getting the project off the ground, from the engineer’s fees to the door handles, so the projected budget is all-inclusive–and accurate.

Survey and Title Review

We’ll double-check the property’s exact boundaries, legal ownership, and legal history, to ensure the property’s title is clean and clear.

Development Plan Review

We'll check out the property's architectural and site plans to make sure they fulfill all the local codes and look good,  while still being functional.

Project Phasing and Timeline of Development

We'll review the budgets and timelines for development factoring in both hard and soft costs, so we can confirm if they are realistic and within budget.

Third Party Report Review (and Order)

We’ll look at third-party reports like engineering assessments, geotechnical reports, and property condition assessments to uncover any potential risks or issues with the property.

Initial Consultation with Necessary Professionals

We’ll meet with the borrower’s team of experts like lawyers, accountants, and engineers so they can review the plan, identify potential risks, and ensure the legal and financial sides are in order.

Market Analysis
Market Trend Analysis

We'll dig deep into the trends, economic indicators, and demographics of the local market (like family type, age, school district, median income) to assess where it is, and where it’s heading. This ensures your property plan is on par with the market’s trajectory, maximizing it’s potential for success.

Comparable Property Analysis

We’ll assess trends, property values, and rental rates for similar properties in the area to ensure you’re paying a fair price, as well as gauge the rent income potential.

Site Review
Individual Unit Walkthroughs

We’ll check the condition of each unit, finding out if they need any renovations or upgrades, so there’s no unaccounted for expenses after purchase.

Site Visit

A leak under the foundation. Issues with water drainage. These kinds of things can increase or decrease the property’s value by  hundreds of thousands of dollars and can only be uncovered with a site visit.

Comprehensive Asset Characteristic Summary

We’ll summarize everything good and not-so-good about the property, like extra parking, historical features, or structural problems that could affect the property’s value.

Common Interior and Exterior Spaces

We’ll check out shared areas like lobbies, hallways, gyms, pools, and parking lots, to ensure that they’re safe and well-maintained. 

Capex for Deferred Maintenance & Value-add Options

We’ll take a look at what needs fixing and explore any improvements that could boost the property's value. Then, we'll run the figures to estimate the costs of these repairs and enhancements, giving you a clear picture of investment needs and potential value gains.

Financial review
Cash Flow Analysis

We assess the properties income against it’s expenses to ensure the property is profitable by a sustainable margin.

Maintenance/ Budget CAPEX 

We’ll check what the upgrades and maintenance plans are, to make sure all hidden costs are taken into account in the property plan.

Lease Abstracts

We’ll review the lease terms and conditions to understand what the borrower’s obligations and rights are –and to make sure they not locked into anything against the property’s best interest.

Operating statement review and verification

We’ll double-check every income and expense from the last 24 months; making sure everything matches up as it should.

Lease Audits

Leases are the properties lifeline. We’ll check that all the leases are up-to-date, at market rate, and are paid to-date.

Tax Assessment Review

We’ll review the tax assessment to ensure the property being taxed fairly based on it’s true value–not more, and not less. Plus, we’ll explore any reductions or incentives the borrower could benefit from.

CAM Reconciliation

Don’t let CAM costs catch you off guard. We’ll look into the payment structure for shared spaces like gyms, lobbies, and parking lots to make sure it’s all distributed fairly.

Service Contract Review

It’s all in the fine print. We’ll check all agreements and contracts related to a property to make sure the borrower is covered and protected against any legal issues, liability, or hidden costs.

Insurance claims review

We'll dive into the borrower’s history of past and ongoing insurance claims, to ensure he can properly protect his property from potential risks.

Valued-Add Feasibility

Can the owner do any renovations or enhancements to add value to the property? We’ll explore and present different strategies that are a good fit for the property, outlining the complete investment and returns, so you can make an informed decision.

Financial Underwriting
In-Place Financial Summary 

We’ll document the purchase price and going-in metrics and we’ll review the rent roll summary, unit mix, average in-place rents and the historical T-12 financial summary.  This way, you can accurately gauge your potential income and expenses.

Construction Budget (Development)

Guided by our experience, we'll ensure proper planning to keep your project on track and within budget. We'll craft a construction plan, establish timelines and phases, and allocate land costs, hard and soft costs, taxes and carrying costs for optimal execution.

CapEx Budget (Stabilized)

Guided by our experience, we'll ensure proper planning to keep your asset on track and within budget. We'll craft a CapEx plan, establish timelines and phases, and allocate costs and funding schedule for optimal execution.

Debt Terms

We'll assess loans or mortgages to secure the most suitable funding for purchase or development. We’ll establish construction and permanent debt assumptions, LTC/LTV and DSCR constraints, interest rates, debt and prepayment fees, amortization, the IO period and rate caps. All the while, making sure all terms are aligned with your financial strategy.

Takeoffs (Development)

We’ll review and carefully document all the unit and building details from your architectural plans and give you a summary of your unit mix, unit type sizes and common space area. This way, you can accurately gauge your potential income and expenses.

Cash Flows and Returns

Your monthly and annual cash flows are the meat and potatoes of your deal. We’ll draw up a comprehensive cash flow chart for both monthly and annual terms and give you a variety of return metrics based on these charts.

Income and Expense Projections

We’ll lay out rental projections, a lease up schedule, concessions and other income. We’ll give you estimated vacancy and growth rates and factor in a projected amount of operating expenses. And you’ll get an accurate picture of the rewards and the risks, plus creative options on how to mitigate the risks to make it work for you.

Sale Detail

Based on your model of income and expense, we’ll calculate your sale assumption costs and sale metrics so that you can see what your exit will look like.

Loan Monitoring
Approval and Permit Milestone Completion Monitoring

We’ll keep a close eye on all the permits and regulatory requirements to make sure the project runs smoothly, without any pricey delays or obstacles.

CAPEX Monitoring and Implementation

We’ll oversee construction and vendor activities to ensure work meets quality standards and is on-track for schedule and budget.

Boom. Bang. Bam. Done.

Everything you’d expect, and way more.

One rep.

One rep. A rep who knows the ins and out of your property, where the project is at, and can get you any answer you need.
(oh, and our average response time is 6 hours. sweet, no? ).

At the speed of real estate

We know–you need this yesterday. We parcel out the project and have several team members working different parts of due diligence simultaneously. So you get the in-depth analysis you need, without sacrificing time.

An expert for every facet

A full team of experts analyzing your deal all for one flat rate. And having all those experts in-house means that no matter the question, deal type, or scenario, we probably have the knowledge you’re seeking– and we’ll definitely have an opinion.(And not that we’re keeping track, but we kinda have a track record.)

We know every trick in the book

It’s not just about analyzing numbers or crunching scenarios, it’s about a gut feel and market insights we’ve built over years of analyzing thousands of deals in every market. Put it this way: there’s very little (almost nothing) you can get past us.

All the tech and tools to give you the data you need

Yeah, we know HappyCo, CoStar, and Yardi. And pretty much all the tech use. So no matter the property, project, or operational platform, we can jump in and get right to work.

They’re killing it.

(and we couldn’t be be prouder)

Work With Us
Work With Us
Get guidance
Validate a Deal
Offload work

Cut to the truth.
